Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Its 2006! A new year. Should be filled with new things. New people, new adventures. My new year will not start off with a resolution. Those are meant to be broken and the last thing I do is break and promise especially to myself. So what I will say is that I will make an effort to be a better me. Live healthier, happier, enjoy life a little more. Im too young to let life pass me by, so all I can do is catch up. I dont mind coming in last as long as I finish.

Questions.. .

There have been times when I couldnt decide if Love was Love or Lust?
If life was left to be travled by aimless souls?
If people were truely as spiteful as they let their souls radiate
or was that just evil tryiing to pull them toward unforgiving darkness?
Is everything the way it seems?
IS there something we're all hiding as not to expose our true selves?
The self who hurts, loves, cries, fears?
Maybe there are no answers to questions only choices.
choose to be you, choose to be like others, choose to live right, choose to live wrong choose to just be. . .

for now. . . I'll just BE!