Friday, January 05, 2007


I don't know who reads this and honestly I don't care if anyone does. Another new year and this one I am ready for. The last one passed me by so quickly it's kind of like it never took place. The end of last year, well december was a good month. Even tho I was broke and I couldn't do alot as far as gifts were concerned, I loved being with my family and friends. Seeing my nieces and nephews open theirs gifts was a joy to me. One friend that I have known for a over 2 years now became a different type of friend to me lol. I don't know what that means really. I am just enjoying whatever it is and not expecting anything. Going with the flow of things is what I am doing. I do hope that's mutual. There have been no lines or boundries and I like that. This person puts a smile on my face on a regular basis. They have always done that but now the smile is a little different. The day dreams are little more vivid. I am really enjoying life right now. Me and my many flaws are gonna rock 2007 to the fullest. This will be the start of limitless possiblities. I'm just ready. So lets get it!

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